Beyond a shadow of a doubt, young children learn from experiences, actions, and interactions with people and things. At The Learning Center our focus is on each child's needs and development.
We incorporate two curriculums at The Learning Center. We use a Bible-based curriculum that is implemented daily through stories, activities, verses and songs, and our academic curriculum, Frog Street. Frog Street offers an entire family of early childhood programs that present program continuity from birth to Pre-K. Frog Street is aligned to state and national standards and focuses on high quality instruction and materials in the field of early childhood. Frog Street Pre-K was developed by early childhood experts in every domain of development to create an intentional and integrated curriculum. Frog Street Pre-K provides a comprehensive, research-based curriculum organized into ten skills domains that support integration of curriculum and builds connections between and among all disciplines. The authorship team of Frog Street Pre-K brings a wealth of expertise in the field of early childhood classroom experience, social and emotional intelligence, brain development, literacy, STEM practices and cultural sensitivity to the instruction and materials in the curriculum. Led by senior author, Dr. Pam Schiller, the curriculum integrates content and embeds current research based best practices through instructional strategies.
Our staff assists children in using language to deal with their feelings utilizing Conscious Discipline. Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, comprehensive classroom management program and a social-emotional curriculum. It is based on current brain research, child development information, and developmentally appropriate practices. It facilitates early childhood teachers in creating "school families" where children and teachers can reclaim joy, helpfulness and caring as a foundation for the educational process.
Our teachers will communicate with you daily regarding your child's social, emotional, educational, and physical progress. Three times a year we evaluate your child's developmental outcomes with an assessment as well as parent-teacher conferences which are always available upon request. We encourage you to become involved in our program by being volunteers for special events and field trips. Parents and other family members are welcomed visitors in our center at all times.
Frog Street Pre-K
5-Day PreK
The Learning Center's 5-Day Pre-Kindergarten Program
Print Awareness
Demonstrates the proper way to read a book (e.g., right side up) and where to begin reading.
Identifies the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Begins to identify the title and author of a book.
Follows the words from the top to the bottom and from left to right when reading.
Recognizes and names all capital and lowercase letters.
Understands that a sentence is made up of separate words.
Distinguishes letters from words.
Identifies periods, question marks, and exclamation points.
Phonological/Phonemic Awareness
Understands that individual letters have sounds.
Matches each consonant or short vowel sound to the corresponding letter.
Identifies and creates simple rhyming pairs (e.g., cat | hat)
Identifies beginning sounds in words (e.g., /h/ in hat)
Begins to identify ending sounds in words (e.g., /t/ in hat)
Identifies when two words share the same beginning sound (e.g., hat and hammer)
Attempts to blend phonemes into simple words (e.g., /h/ /a/ /t/ = hat)
Attempts to segment phonemes of words (e.g., hat = /h/ /a/ /t/)
Reading & Comprehension
Utilizes new vocabulary when speaking or writing.
Uses picture cues and text to make predictions prior to reading.
Retells or acts out a story in accurate sequential order (beginning, middle, end)
Uses picture cues to talk about what is happening in a story.
Answers simple questions about the main characters, setting, and events in a story.
Distinguishes between fiction and nonfiction.
Recognizes and understands environmental print such as school and classroom labels.
Begins to recognize high-frequency words (e.g., and, the, you, etc.)
Dictates stories about events and/or experiences for others to write.
Participates in a variety of writing opportunities (e.g., journal writing, shared writing, etc.)
Uses classroom resources such as a word wall to support the writing process.
Shares own writing with other children, the teacher, and/or parents.
Writes own name (first and last)
Writes informal notes, lists, letters, etc. using developmental/inventive spelling and pictures.
Prints all capital and lowercase letters.
Listening & Speaking
Expresses feelings, ideas, and needs in complete sentences.
Follows one- and two-step directions.
Listens attentively to stories and poems.
Takes turns during conversation and responds appropriately.
Number Sense
Counts forward to 20 or higher and backward from 10.
Identifies the numerals 0 through 20.
Counts a set of 20 or fewer objects in a set one-by-one.
Identifies the numeral that matches a quantity (0-20)
Identifies and creates sets of objects (0-20)
Compares sets of 20 or fewer objects using words such as more, less, same, different, fewer, etc.
Identifies the ordinal position (first through tenth) of objects.
Uses concrete objects to add and subtract whole numbers using up to 10 concrete items.
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Identifies the following two-dimensional shapes: circle, triangle, rectangle, square, oval, pentagon, and octagon.
Identifies the following three-dimensional shapes, sphere, cone, cylinder, and cube.
Demonstrates spatial awareness by using positional words (e.g. on, off, above, below, besides, etc.)
Compares and contrasts objects according to two attributes (e.g., shape and size, shape and color, etc.)
Measures and estimates length and/or capacity using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., paper clips, blocks, etc.)
Compares objects according to size (e.g., longest, shortest, tallest, big, bigger, biggest, etc.)
Selects the appropriate measuring instrument to measure length (ruler), time (clock), and temperature (thermometer)
Tells time to the hour on both a digital and analog clock.
Identifies the days of the week and the months of the year.
Identifies the following coins and the value of each: penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
Data Analysis
Collects data related to familiar experiences.
Creates object and picture graphs.
Interprets information presented on a graph (picture or object)
Science Process & Physical Science
Observes, describes, classifies, and sorts real objects according to common characteristics.
Plans and conducts simple experiments.
Uses the five senses to make observations and gather information.
Asks questions, makes predictions, and shares observations both orally and in drawings.
Compares and describes the properties of some types of materials (e.g., magnetic/nonmagnetic, float/sink, solid/liquid, etc.)
Life Science & Health
Observes and describes what living creatures (plants and animals) need in order to live.
Classifies objects as living or nonliving.
Describes the life cycles and changes plants and animals go through during their life (e.g., egg to chick, seed to plant)
Understands the importance of daily physical activities.
Identifies and practices personal health habits (e.g., washing hands, using a tissue, etc.)
Identifies types of foods that help the body grow.
Civics & Government
Works and plays cooperatively in a variety of situations (one-on-one, small groups, etc.)
Understands and identifies the importance of school and classroom rules.
Identifies governmental employees and their roles (e.g. postal worker, police officer, etc.)
Identifies the American flag as a symbol of our country.